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When it's time to go...


Despite the best intentions and agreements, practice owners do part ways. And sometimes it’s not easy. And even with the best legal and accounting advice, sometimes you will need guidance.

Dealing with considerations such as patient records, business names, social media accounts, staff and restraints can be a minefield if these issues are not well understood by the parties, or if the matter is attempted to be resolved by a dispute resolver without the skills and experience.

Mediation of a practice dispute as to how practices operate after separation and on what terms is best done early and with an appropriate mediator with dental, management and legal experience in commercial matters.If breaking up is hard to do - seek mediation from an accredited mediator who has the experience in practice and law to resolve this effectively.

Call 07 3007 1777 or email brad@resolve.dental for obligation free assessment of your dispute for alternate dispute resolution.

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Why Mediation ?

What matters can be mediated?

In modern private dental practice, many issues can be mediated.

In fact there are very few that cannot.Matters that can be resolved on a final basis at mediation by a competent experienced mediator include

  • Contract disputes with other dental practitioners;
  • Fair Work matters;
  • Restraint of Trade;
  • Dental Records Ownership;
  • Practice Purchase and Sale disputes;
  • Partnership Disputes
  • Corporations Law Disputes

f you have a matter that you think may be suitable for mediation, then contact me on 07 30071777 for a no charge discussion or email brad@resolve.dental

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Contact Info

Level 6, Inns of Court, 107 North Quay, BRISBANE 4000

(07) 30071777

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