Our Services
When dental practitioners find themselves in dispute, they sometimes seek legal advice. And that can be very helpful, But it does not resolve the dispute. Often when I am asked to advise, this is the beginning of a long process that is ultimately uncertain.
There is always another option. The most efficient way with smaller disputes is to talk to the other party and ask whether they would agree to mediation.
Mediation (facilitative) is a process whereby parties can resolve the dispute themselves, by meeting and being assisted by a mediator. If agreement is reached, a binding deed can be executed. Mediations can take hours or a whole day but are very cost effective in settling disputes and can take away a lot of the stress of litigation.
Lawyers can assist the parties and the mediator, but it is not necessary for a lawyer to represent you in many cases. The value I bring is over 25 years experience of clinical dentistry ( I am still a registered dentist) and a lawyer with 12 years experience.
As a barrister, Accredited Mediator and a Grade 3 Commercial Arbitrator, I can mediate consulate or even arbitrate most disputes cost effectively. Mediators arbitrator and conciliators are most effective when they are experienced and know their subject matter and the law. As a barrister though experience in litigation and court and tribunal processes I have become very effective at commercial dispute resolution.
So, if you have a dispute related to your dental life, then contact me for an obligation free assessment as to whether ADR- Mediation, Conciliation or Arbitration are possibilities to resolve the issues in dispute. Cost will always be disclosed by way of written agreement. If anyone can resolve the dispute, it might be me...
Dental Dispute Resolution Centre
Mediation Arbitration Conciliation for Dental Practitioners by accredited mediator and Arbitrator Brad Wright.
Get In Touch
Call 07 3007 1777 or email brad@bradwright.com.au
What is ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution)
Dental Mediation Conciliation & Arbitration
Often instead of commencing litigation to seek relief, parties are better off to ask a person to mediate, conciliate or arbitrate the dispute. Brad is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, Grade 3 Arbitrator and Barrister.
He has a Professional Certificate in Arbitration through the University of Adelaide. Contact me for a no charge and obligation free discussion about mediating your dispute rather than litigating it.
If you have a dispute, talk to the other party about mediation, and then contact me for options and solutions, including mediation in person at a location suitable to the parties.